A: The Horrors
S: Something To Remember Me By
There’s always a moment where special bands open your eyes to the pure unstoppable force they’ve been promising for years. For The Horrors, it was clear for a while how special they are, unravelling another layer to their coated talents on each and every album, never stopping in one place and always taking things to a different location at every step in their career. Yet there always seemed like there was something, more. We couldn’t put our finger on it, but there was always that sensation that The Horrors had yet to unveil their moment in the sun. Then, there was Something To Remember Me By - a star-studded swoon of electro beats, glorious pop hooks and unravelling majesty that soaked us in a realisation that The Horrors were entering their golden phase.
... nothing left to lose when there's nothing left to find.